If your looking for alloy wheel refurbishment in Caerphilly then you've come to the right place. We repair all types of alloy wheels and offer a variety of services tailored to you.
We offer smart repairs if required such as a lease car going back or preparing the vehicle for re-sale or a complete strip and refurb in the colour of your choice. A smart repair can be performed in a single day service depending on damage or a complete refurbishment typically takes 3/4 days. A courtesy car can be arranged should the customer require. The complete refurbishment package includes removing the tyres from the alloys and taking the wheels back to bare alloy before repairing any damage and powder coating. The tyres are then re-fitted and wheels balanced coming back like a completely new set of wheels. We also offer diamond cut refinishing.
Prices vary depending on size of wheel. Send us a message or get in touch for more info!